State Capacity and Bureaucratic Recruitment: Evidence from China
We demonstrate that strenghening state capacity in one dimension through tax reform can significantly impact bureaucratic recruitment, i.e., another dimension of state capacity.
We demonstrate that strenghening state capacity in one dimension through tax reform can significantly impact bureaucratic recruitment, i.e., another dimension of state capacity.
This paper investigates the non-parametric identification of matching games and applies this framework to the analysis of matching mechanism design in government recruitment.
We document subjective duration dependence and overreactions to aggregate labor market shocks in job search.
In a firm with multiple hierarchical levels, we find that managers are incentivized to engage in talent hoarding. While managerial bonuses and job rotation policies may prevent talent hoarding, the existence of a subset of more visible workers could increase the likelihood of talent hoarding.
We identify that in team production settings, peer performances increase as they are exposed over time to superstars, indicating a positive dynamic spillover effect. Moreover, these spillovers are observed in the skill dimensions of peers that complement those of the superstars.
We find that misconceptions regarding financial rewards and career advancement prospects are widespread among college students in China. These misperceptions vary among students with different characteristics, such as ability and pro-social preferences, significantly influencing their career decisions.
We propose and estimate a dynamic game model to examine the welfare implications of decentralized versus centralized decision-making in formulating mitigation policies during the COVID-19 pandemic.